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Costume Designer

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Presenta la candidatura

Costume Designer

Club Med Resorts Mexico or overseas
Presenta la candidatura
ID dell'offerta R-3026 Categoria Arte & Spettacolo
You are
- Meticulous, you have a great eye for detail and are a professional in your field.
- Organised and structured, you manage and prioritise your tasks.
- From the wings, you enjoy diverting attention, knowing that you are behind the magic.

You will
- Conceive, budget and design the costumes and accessories for the resort events
- Maintain the costumes and accessories for the resort events
- Set up the show and event management systems
- Guarantee the quality of the performances, compliance with Club Med health and safety rules and the maintenance of the assets
- Work transversally with the technical team

In becoming a G.O Costume Designer, you will benefit from the infrastructures and activities offered by Club Med. And if you get the urge, you can even step on stage to show your talent! 

So what are you waiting for? Pack your bags!

All our positions are open to people with disabilities.
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