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Club Med o SPA premium

Spa Exclusive Collection Club Med

Working in a Club Med Spa means enjoying an exceptional setting: high-end spaces with a refined and elegant design. A moment of relaxation with a view of the setting sun, a treatment with essential oils after a hike or a day of skiing... Internationally renowned care products, heavenly decor... Everything is combined to offer a moment of happiness to our clients. A communicative well-being for the Spa Club Med staff.

Top-of-the-range products Top-of-the-range products

High-end treatments at the Club Med Spa

Taking care of our G.Ms (Gentle Members, our clients), and spreading happiness everywhere, is the watchword at Club Med; in general and in particular in the spaces. The Spa at Club Med has a little something extra. We have chosen to entrust you with these moments of well-being. Here, top-of-the-line services are offered to G.Ms to make their stay a wonderful moment of relaxation. More than a vacation, an experience to live at least once in a lifetime. Sauna, hammam, massages... So many activities organized by caring professionals for the greatest happiness of the G.M. Massage and care in a cosy cabin with all comfort, alone or in duo, with a view on the snowy mountains or on a heavenly beach... High quality services delivered in unique places.

Club Med Spa: outstanding products

G.Ms who choose a Club Med Spa service or a stay dedicated to well-being at a Club Med Resort will also have the chance to use the most renowned products in the field of beauty and relaxation: Cinq Mondes, Sothys, Mandara Spa, L'Occitane, Payot, Comfort Zone... As a professional, you will have the chance to work with high-quality products in optimal conditions. You will be trained in the protocol of care and the sale of products of these great brands. These trainings, materialized by a certificate, are recognized by the professionals of the well-being. The world is opening up to you!

Where can you enjoy a wellness vacation?

Club Med offers spas all over the world. In the mountains of the Alps, on the Atlantic coast, in Marrakech... Or in Mauritius, the Maldives, Bali, Cancún, Phuket, Martinique, the Bahamas... In these places and beaches that are among the most popular, the Club Med Spa is open to G.Ms for unforgettable moments. Imagine a relaxation session after a day of skiing, hiking or simply after a long drive to this heavenly place?

How can you not appreciate such magical moments, whether as a client or as a spa therapist?

Club Med Spa Club Med Spa

Lavorare in una Spa Club Med

Se aI G.M. piace tornare ogni stagione, lo stesso vale per i G.E. (Gentili Dipendenti) e i G.O. (Gentili Organizzatori). E questa è un'ottima notizia, perché le Spa Club Med stanno assumendo operatori, estetisti e massaggiatori con vari livelli di formazione ed esperienza. Ci sono anche posizioni aperte per Assistant Spa Manager e Spa Manager. Il lavoro dei sogni per accrescere le tue competenze in luoghi eccezionali con team motivati. L'opportunità di costruire relazioni con le persone che incontri e di condividere un'esperienza straordinaria. E per coloro che desiderano formarsi, offriamo anche programmi di studio-lavoro, anche se si desidera lavorare in una spa.

Scoprite le nostre offerte per gli uffici e i resort.


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