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Perché lavorare come infermiere/a in Club Med?

A G.O smiling in one of our Club Med Resort

Operating in all parts of the world, Club Med Resorts are enchanting places, where everything is designed to keep customers happy. However, this also includes medical care when necessary. That's why the Club Med family also welcomes nurses. Would you like to practice your profession in another country, in an often idyllic setting and in contact with a multitude of different cultures? Then why not become a Nurse at Club Med?


What are the main qualities of a Nurse at Club Med?

At Club Med, the Nurse's job is to provide first aid to guests when their condition requires it. However, the Nurse is not part of a large hospital group. He or she must therefore be sufficiently experienced to establish a diagnosis independently, and to decide on certain medical actions to be taken. Attentive to others, nurses at Club Med need to be good listeners and observers. They must be empathic and know how to reassure their patients while making the right diagnosis. On a daily basis, they are an essential pillar in making Club Med customers feel good!

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What will you be doing if you decide to become a Nurse at Club Med?

If you choose to become a Nurse at Club Med, you'll need to be very flexible. Logically, you'll be the first point of contact for patients, identifying their condition, providing first aid and assessing whether additional medical care is required. At the same time, you'll have to manage stocks and orders for equipment, while sometimes setting up patient care files via Europ Assistance. On site, you'll need to work closely with local doctors and medical facilities. You'll also have to monitor hygiene and safety at the Resort, and report any malfunctions. Last but not least, you'll also have to train the managers of each department and promote prevention among staff.

Become a Nurse at Club Med to diversify your daily routine

When you become a Nurse at Club Med, your day-to-day life is very different from that of a Nurse in a traditional hospital. This position offers you the chance to develop professionally. In particular, it allows you to feel useful in the lives of others, to help them and to listen to them.

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Are you interested in cultural encounters and sharing? Become a Nurse at Club Med!

The benefits of being a Nurse at Club Med also include discovery. In fact, our employees choose their period of availability. However, they have no decision on their destination. If you like getting away from it all, meeting new people and discovering new cultures, you're in for a treat! What's more, what greater pleasure than working every day in an idyllic setting? By becoming a Nurse at Club Med, get away from it all and multiply your professional experience!

See all Nursing jobs here


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