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Sailing Supervisor (M/W)

people preparing for a jet-ski trip
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Sailing Supervisor (M/W)

Club Med Resorts France or overseas
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ID dell'offerta R-6079 Categoria Sport Esperienza 1 to 3 years Lingua English Qualifiche Brevet d'Etat d'Educateur Sportif (B.E.E.S.) Voile - France
Do you know Club Med? 
We have nearly 70 Resorts, open summer and winter, in 26 countries. We offer high-end holidays, in the mountains and by the sea. Our clients are looking for happiness and freedom.
Why are you reading this ad? Because you want to become an actor in this little extra that makes all of our difference. You have sought-after human and professional skills.
We offer you the opportunity to develop and evolve very quickly by joining our brilliant teams. You will be able to travel around the world.

Your working environment
Doing sport at Club Med means getting away from it all! Here, all your dreams come to life: exclusive places with exceptional views, space, nature as a privileged terrain and unique locations near spots recognized by experts and enthusiasts. Club Med is the largest sports field with destinations all over the world.
From the waters of the Atlantic to the paradise destinations of the Antilles, from the seafront of the Caribbean to the beaches of North Africa, our water activities offer breathtaking settings.
From terraces facing the mountain to pontoons and palapas, our land sports are opportunities to discover exceptional places and activities, each more original than the last.

You are
- Educator, you transmit the technical and safety rules to our novice or experienced customers
- Responsible, you ensure the smooth running of each nautical activity
- Passionate, you offer our customers the opportunity to discover, progress and challenge themselves!

You go
- Introduce our customers to diverse activities rich in conviviality! Create enthusiasts and introduce us to our unusual activities offered at some of our Resorts: the Schiller Bike, the Mirage Eclipse…
- Supervise and teach sailing activity to beginners and experienced alike
- Manage a team of 3 to 10 instructors and facilitators
- Ensure customer safety in all situations
- Supervise tailor-made services/private lessons
- Guarantor of the service and ensure the promotion of activities within the resort
- Ensure the quality of relationships with customers by strengthening the Club Med culture and spirit
- Guarantee respect for the equipment, materials and infrastructure of the resort

By becoming a G.O Windsurfing Supervisor, you will be able to benefit from the infrastructures and activities offered by Club Med. If you feel like it, you can even go on stage to show off your talents!

So, what are you waiting for to pack your bags?

All our positions are open to people with disabilities.
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