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Sports Manager (M/W)

land sports - a women smiling

Land Sports


Sports Manager (M/W)

Club Med Resorts
ID da oferta R-1572 Categoria Esportes Tipo de contrato Village GE - Seasonal

You are
- Pedagogical, you have excellent teaching skills and know how to adapt to students of all levels.
- A passionate athlete, you are ready to show what you’re capable of to students who want to compete with you.
- A high performer, you never lose your enthusiasm regardless of the number of workouts.

You will
- Ensure implementation processes (beginning of the season), monitoring (in season), and closing (end of season) for all your scope.
- Ensure after sales service (SAV) with the sports equipment supplier(s).
- Ensure the quality of the material made available, the adjustments and its maintenance.
- Be the key contact for G.M for all questions about the services related to the sports activities in the village.
- Ensure perfect maintenance of sport equipment and facilities in order to guarantee the quality and safety of all sport activities
- Make a check and inventory at the opening of the village or upon arrival (premises, equipment and resources available), ensure a control throughout the season and take the necessary measures in case of problems.
- Welcome, establish and integrate the G.O/G.E of your service.
- Define the personal goals and accompany your team and/or the people attached to it.
- Be exemplary by your visibility to teams and customers.

In becoming a G.O Sports Manager, you will benefit from the infrastructures and activities offered by Club Med. And if you get the urge, you can even step on stage to show your talent! 

So what are you waiting for? Pack your bags!

All our positions are open to people with disabilities.


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