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Village Training Manager

Sales team - Technical services

Support functions


Village Training Manager

Club Med Resorts Canada or overseas
ID da vaga de emprego CMQC_R-198 Categoria Apoio e vendas Tipo de contrato Village GE - Seasonal

Do you know Club Med?
We have nearly 70 villages, open in summer and winter, in 26 countries around the world. We offer top-of-the-range vacations in the mountains and by the sea for customers (G.M) in search of happiness and freedom.

Why are you reading this? Because you're ready to travel the world, you want to be part of that little something extra that makes all the difference to our teams (G.O).You have the human and professional skills we're looking for. We offer you the chance to develop and grow rapidly by joining our brilliant teams.

You are

  • Fluent English & French, Spanish is a +
  • An expert in the field of training
  • Organise
  • Communicative
  • Sociable

You will

  • Employee-development strategy across different platforms.
  • Prepare, develop and level up the G.O-G.E Teams in terms of Soft + technical skills.
  • Engage & accompany our G.O-G.E teams with a combination of 4 elements of training: classroom, coaching, mentoring & on the job training.
  • Develop our G.O-G.Es aligned to Culture & Brand, Safety Hygiene & Risk & General Skill learning & training actions.
  • Ensure consistency in communication with main stakeholders such as Village Human Resources Manager, aligned with the Talent University (UDT) vision & ambition.
  • Ambassador for UDT: marketing, implementing, creating, improving, and communicating Club Med’simage.

As a G.O Village training supervisor, you'll be able to take advantage of Club Med's infrastructure and activities. If you feel like it, you can even take to the stage to show off your talents!

You will get room and board in the village with visa process and flight taken in charge by the company.

What are you waiting for to pack your bags?

All our positions are open to people with disabilities.

*G.E = Gentle Employee / *G.O = Gentle Organisator / * UDT = University of Talent


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