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Food Hygiene & Safety Manager

Sales team - Technical services

Support functions


Food Hygiene & Safety Manager

Club Med Resorts
ID da vaga de emprego R-14887 Categoria Apoio e vendas Tipo de contrato Village GE - Seasonal

You are
- Friendly, you are gifted in representing Club Med’s values to customers and employees.
- Key to our activity, you work with different departments and contribute to our overall success.
- Well-organised, you know our processes like the back of your hand and apply them meticulously.

You will
- Ensure the application and monitoring of the resort's hygiene policy.
- Identify malfunctions and non-conformities and implement effective action plans
- Control the conformity of products, processes, installations and equipment
- Be the key internal contact in case of hygiene problems and health crisis.
- Develop the skills of the Resort's teams in terms of health, safety and risk prevention.

In becoming a G.O Food Hygiene & Safety Manager, you will benefit from the infrastructures and activities offered by Club Med. And if you get the urge, you can even step on stage to show your talent! 

So what are you waiting for? Pack your bags!

All our positions are open to people with disabilities.


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