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Junior Club Coordinator (M/W)

children playing

Junior Club Coordinator (M/W)

Club Med Resorts Seychelles or overseas
İş Kimliği R-15157 Kategori Enfance
You are
- Flexible, agile
- Available
- Creative
- Enthusiastic
- Good inter-personal skills

You will
- Welcome and support a group of teenagers from 11 years old to under 18 years old.
- Manage teenagers of different nationalities & adapt your behaviour accordingly.
- Provide and lead age-appropriate activities and events for supervised adolescents.
- Be a proponent to engage them in events stimulating their curiosity and participation.
- Adopt an exemplary and responsible adult behaviour in order to reassure the parents.
- Apply and respect the norms and standards of Club Med as well as the safety and hygiene instructions of the Junior Club / Passworld.
- Be responsible for the safety of your group in the village and outside.
- Make your group aware of the risks associated with alcohol, drugs and bullying.
- Alert your manager and the parents in case of identified risk and/or inappropriate behavior.
- Keep the equipment in perfect condition in order to provide a good and safe environment.

In becoming a G.O Junior Club Coordinator, you will benefit from the infrastructures and activities offered by Club Med. And if you get the urge, you can even step on stage to show your talent! 

So what are you waiting for? Pack your bags!

All our positions are open to people with disabilities.

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