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El sabor de Club Med

El sabor de Club Med

Assistant Chef Executive

ID : R-3085 Ubicación : Club Med Resorts Mexico o al extranjero Tipo de contrato : Resort GE - Estacional Categoría : Hostelería y Restauración

¡Lleva el espectáculo a los platos! Crea experiencias memorables desde la intimidad de los Resorts Premium o Exclusive Collection con todo incluido o en nuestros eventos más festivos. Bar o restaurante, buffet o servicio de emplatado: nuestros espacios de restaurante conceptual te permiten crear sorpresas y jugar con los sentidos y emociones de los huespedes. Asegura el bienestar de todos (incluido el tuyo) en un ambiente cálido y festivo. ¡Bienvenido al equipo de cocina de Club Med!

Si eres...

Si eres...

  • Creativo/a
  • Organizado/a
  • Trabajador/a en equipo
  • Riguroso/a
  • Apasionado/a
  • Orientado/a al cliente

... estás listo/a para una experiencia que te cambiará la vida

Do you know Club Med?
We have nearly 70 resorts, open summer and winter, in 26 countries. We offer top-of-the-range vacations in the mountains and by the sea. Our customers are looking for happiness and freedom.
Why are you reading this ad? Because you want to be part of that little something extra that makes us different. You have the human and professional skills we're looking for.
We offer you the chance to grow and develop very quickly by joining our brilliant teams. You'll be able to travel the world.

Your working environment
Each Resort has several restaurants and bars, both event-oriented and more intimate, serving our Premium All Inclusive offer. From buffets and plated service to show cooking experiences and festive events, you'll have plenty of opportunities to express your know-how and creativity, while learning from all our facets. Our refined offer is built around 5 pillars: creating memorable experiences, surprising with a multitude of conceptual catering spaces, working for the well-being of everyone (including your own), playing on the emotions and senses through staging, all in a fun, relaxed atmosphere.

You are
- Creative, you know how to surprise our customers with your technique and create explosions of flavor.
- Rigorous, you have a perfect command of health and safety standards.
- Passionate, you like to transmit and above all create emotion for our customers.

You will
- Assist the head chef (and possibly replace him/her in his/her absence)
- Supervise a team of 20 to 60 cooks in setting up and replenishing buffets (600 to 1000 covers per service)
- Participate in the management of orders and stock in collaboration with the Head Chef and the Stock & Supply Manager, in accordance with the allocated budget.
- Ensure quality of service, compliance with Club Med health and safety regulations, and upkeep of the property.
- Unite and motivate your teams around defined objectives, and support them in their development.
- Analyze results and suggest areas for improvement, both in terms of budget and services.

Joining our teams is also a unique opportunity to live and work with people from all walks of life, in some of the world's most Instagrammable sites.
You'll gain valuable experience on your CV, working for a company that supports and trains you on an ongoing basis to help you become the best version of yourself.

By becoming a G.O Assistant Chief Executive, you'll be able to benefit from Club Med's infrastructure and activities. If you feel like it, you can even take to the stage to show off your talents!

So, are you ready to join us? Your future starts here...

All our positions are open to people with disabilities.

El arte de recibir

Club Med se fundó con la idea de que «el propósito de la vida, es ser feliz. El lugar para ser feliz está aquí. El momento de ser feliz es ahora». El lugar para ser feliz está aquí. El momento de ser feliz es ahora». Unirte a nosotros es saber crear un auténtico arte de vivir juntos, reuniendo diversas nacionalidades, culturas y personalidades. Es tener la posibilidad de expresar tu individualidad dentro de un equipo, descubrir nuevos talentos y sacar a la luz un potencial inesperado. Por último, pero no por ello menos importante, es la oportunidad de trabajar en algunos de los lugares más bellos del mundo y disfrutar de una experiencia que te cambiará la vida.

De Ayudante de Cocina a Director de Resort

El 100% de nuestros Responsables de Resort lo son gracias a la movilidad interna. Ya seas Ayudante de cocina, Carnicero o Pastelero, tus perspectivas profesionales en Club Med son las mismas: ¡excepcionales!

La receta de la felicidad *

*Dependiendo del país, estas prestaciones pueden variar ligeramente.

Experiencias auténticas, espíritu único

Tengo la suerte de poder interactuar con los clientes, ¡me reconocen y es todo un placer!

RishiChef de cocina
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  • Hostelería y Restauración, MéxicoBorrar
  • Hostelería y Restauración, Costa RicaBorrar

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